Saturday 25 January 2014

A New Year - but old items!

One of our members was busy over the holidays, completing a series of machine stitched architectural pieces which have been created on rusted fabrics - is that a reflection of how long these pieces have been left unfinished?!

A lovely knitted scarf, in great jewel-like colours, was finished during our first meeting - that's a good start to the year! It looks good enough to eat....

The 'Grand Depart' inspired bunting has been finished and was strung up for all to admire. Members of the group are keen to have a go at this for themselves - let's hope it doesn't become another UFO hidden in the cupboard as we might have to travel to France to display it in future years!

A toadstool brooch made from vintage fabrics was hand-embroidered during the evening. Where's the gnome to sit on it?