Sunday 19 May 2013

Two more completed UFOs!

Our first carrots of the season made an appearance at our May meeting - two are just awaiting their tops to grow! No, we haven't gone all green-fingered: they are part of our preparations for the Rowntrees Park party.

A crocheted spider's web spread out its silky threads during the evening and an intricate piece of beading was worked on.

 An intriguing piece of cross-stitch appeared too - what will it say when it's done?

And two previously unfinished objects were finally completed. Well done!

Sunday 5 May 2013

April's offerings

A delightful box of Suffolk puffs made an appearance at our last group and was added to during the course of the evening - what creation will they be turned into?

The patchwork pieces are coming along nicely and there is talk that the end is not too far off now! Will we have a completed item in the near future?

A number of different knitting and crochet projects continued - a lovely raspberry/blackcurrant scarf was one of those underway. Hmm, summer fruits!

An old photograph from the late 1910s was being embellished, too, to test out the creation of a page for a fabric book.

Discussions about the yarnbombing event continued through the evening and various plans are underfoot!