Friday 19 December 2014

Sparkle & shimmer

A couple of necklaces were finished off during our final meeting of the year....

and a festively bright hot water bottle cover progressed a bit further.

A little black dress appeared for some repairs.....

and a pair of leg warmers were unpicked and started all over again!

Thursday 11 December 2014

Christmas preparations

One of our members brought along a throw to repair - it's made from lovely old fabrics pieced together - and sits on the arm of her sofa.

Several members of the group decided to respond to the call-out across York for xmas stockings to be made and taken to The Gateway in Acomb. From there, the stockings were to be filled with sweets and distributed via the food banks to local children. We enjoyed making these!

Friday 29 August 2014

summer stitches

Knitted with wool, these triangles and yellow shirts were created for the decoration of the Golden Ball during the summer's Tour de France celebratory events. 

They look great all laid out (on the billiard table!)

One of our members has been enthused by a trip to the Pitts River Museum in Oxford - here's a stitched piece inspired by body art from Papua New Guinea.

Some amazingly intricate lace work was rescued from a cupboard by another of our members. Fortunately the spider motif doesn't involve using the bodies of dead creatures who became trapped away for years!

Saturday 31 May 2014

mini mix

A colourful blanket square came into fruition during our meeting......

... and a pretty jacket was finished off.

A pair of fairy wings started to flutter - these have been in the mind of the creator for many a month!

Is it a bonnet? Is it a bag? No, it's a lampshade! Some silk Suffolk puffs and beads finish it off beautifully.

The blanket is coming along nicely, from one end.....

... to the other!

Onions, anyone? Maybe a string of French ones will be created? Watch this space....

Thursday 20 March 2014

in the pink

This delightful finished piece is a miniature kimono made from beads on its own little stand!

Another long-standing UFO came out of the closet recently - a quilt started up to 5 years ago and never finished. The hand-stitching will take some time, so watch this space.

Having received some help in a previous meeting, one of our new members has been able to progress with crocheting together the blanket squares.

The finished pink jacket was shown and admired by all.....

 ... and the pair of socks we saw at the previous meeting have been completed (and worn)!

And a scarf was very rapidly made during the course of the meeting - one of the quickest items to be completed.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Colourful creations

Lots of lovely wool made an appearance at the last meeting - here one pair of gloves need finishing....

... and here another pair of gloves! There was some lovely decorative, fine stitches on these.

 A little bird was coming to life from fabric and stitch....

... and some more Suffolk puffs were created - the quilt is now too big to photograph. But that's something to celebrate!

A new member brought along some knitted squares and was helped to learn how to crochet the pieces together. An unfinished object in the making!

Saturday 25 January 2014

A New Year - but old items!

One of our members was busy over the holidays, completing a series of machine stitched architectural pieces which have been created on rusted fabrics - is that a reflection of how long these pieces have been left unfinished?!

A lovely knitted scarf, in great jewel-like colours, was finished during our first meeting - that's a good start to the year! It looks good enough to eat....

The 'Grand Depart' inspired bunting has been finished and was strung up for all to admire. Members of the group are keen to have a go at this for themselves - let's hope it doesn't become another UFO hidden in the cupboard as we might have to travel to France to display it in future years!

A toadstool brooch made from vintage fabrics was hand-embroidered during the evening. Where's the gnome to sit on it?