Wednesday 17 April 2013

Stitching for Rowntrees Park Party!

We are really pleased to be involved in the birthday celebrations in Rowntrees Park on Sat 13th July from 2-5pm. Our group has been given special permission to yarnbomb the horse! What will look best?

Some of us had chance to have another look at the creature and he reminded us of different things: a panto horse, the knight from the chess game in Alice in Wonderland, a medieval joust and even made us think of the York link with Dick Turpin!

We'll think on these ideas a bit further before making a decision. Would a simple colour scheme of black and white look effective?

We are thinking along the lines of making a number of pieces to decorate the horse e.g. a saddle, tail, nose bag etc. But if we make all these, when will we have time to finish all our unfinished objects?!!

A great example of yarnbombing to inspire us can be seen on another blog when the seaside town of Saltburn found itself covered in Olympic knits! See

Any good ideas welcome!